love addiction

Dear Single People: Do NOT let Valentine's Day define who you are.

Dear Single People: Do NOT let Valentine's Day define who you are.

Whether you celebrate Galentine's Day on February 13th with your BFFs, Valentine's Day on February 14th with your significant other, or you boycott it entirely because F*CK Valentine's Day — it's still JUST A DAY. 

When You Fight For Love, Make Sure You're Not The ONLY One Fighting

When You Fight For Love, Make Sure You're Not The ONLY One Fighting

All relationships have peaks and valleys. To get through the challenges, you BOTH need to put in... for yourselves and for each other. 

"I fell in love with a man online... behind my husband's back." — Ask Charles

"I fell in love with a man online... behind my husband's back." — Ask Charles

"I have been married for a many years, but I recently met someone on Facebook—and we have fallen in love. But suddenly, he's unfriended me and stopped answering my messages. Do you think it is really over before it began or do we have a chance to make it?"